Saturday, June 4, 2011


CHADEMA mourns fallen Taarab artistes

Chadema shadow minister for information, culture ad sports Joseph Mbilinyi
Leadining Tanzania’s opposition political party has expressed shock and grief over the death of 13 Five Star Modern Taarab’s musicians who perished in a motor vehicle accident in Morogoro on Monday night.
In a press release addressed to the Media and signed by the party’s shadow minister for information, culture ad sports Joseph Mbilinyi, CHADEMA regrets to lose those artistes.
The letter goes on to say CHADEMA joins in families of the deceased to mourn the fallen Tarab musicians who are irreplaceable.
“We are grief stricken to lose the artistes who have been groomed through hefty resources and have left behind families let alone the huge gap to be covered”, part of the press statement says.
The artistes perished on Monday night when a bus they were traveling in hit a parked lorry and skidded as their driver tried in to evade a head on collision against another lorry coming from the opposite lane.
CHADEMA becomes the first opposition party to respond and send condolences through the media over the shocking road accident.
United Republic of Tanzania’s President Jakaya Mrisho Kiwete also expressed a profound shock over the accident and requested families and relatives to remain calm at this crucial moment.

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